"I have a habit
of saying that the project I am working on is the best project! "Up
Bound" was a mural project and it stands out in my mind because of the number of organizations that
worked together to make it happen. It was a joy to visit the project
everyday and see the progress. At the time, downtown Davenport's
storefront windows were empty. The murals provided color and at the
same time created awareness of our exhibition. The youth were vital to the
success of the project. When we unveiled the murals at a press
conference, the youth's family and friends were present. It was amazing to
see the enthusiasm of everyone. The murals remained up long after the
exhibition closed."
Carol Ehlers
"Up Bound"
a river term meaning "going up river" was aptly
chosen as the title for the creation of six historic educational storefront
murals about the history of the Mississippi River. The Putnam Museum's focus
was to bring forth window displays that created an awareness of their
exhibition "Magnificent River". |
![A youth paints one of the six historic murals for Up Bound project.](images/muralgirl.jpg)
A grant from the Riverboat
Development Authority provided the funding. Working with Job Training
Partnership Act, The President Riverboat Casino, and Downtown Development
Authority, requests were made for proposals from area artist. A panel of
artists selected Paul Lange to plan, design, and execute "Up Bound"
project. Working
with Sue Deli, Job Training Summer Program, five youth were selected to
receive pay for their assistance. Ruben Guerrero was the project manager.
The youth artist also received training in print making at the Davenport Art Museum.
![Ruben Guerrer shows a youth the final design for a mural in the Up Bound Project](images/muralwithchild.jpg)
Ruben Guerrero shows details of
the mural. |