Davenport Museum of Art


Grant Wood:
An American Master Revealed

 was awarded Iowa's best tourism attraction for the year 1996.


December 9, 1995 - February 25, 1996

March 23 - September 8, 1996

October 6 - December 31, 1996

As Director of Development, my philosophy is institutions are successful if  individuals in the community understand why their support is necessary for the Museum's programs. My goal as Development Director was to create a public relations campaign that provided an awareness of the need for funding... An exhibition sponsorship program provided funds for "Grant Wood: An American Master Revealed" exhibition.

The exhibit was selected the number one attraction in the state of Iowa. The selection was based on the local and national public relations campaign. Press releases and marketing materials were sent to surrounding states. Zip codes were collect at the admission desk to track the campaign.  One out of three visitors were from outside the immediate area. .


People Make a Difference.  A steering committee was formed and chaired by Dianne Phinney.  The goal was to create a major fundraiser for the Museum that would continue every year and coordinate with major exhibitions.
The Premiere Evening continues today.

To provide support for the Davenport Art Museum, it takes dedicated individuals who are willing to raise and provide funds for the exhibitions and educational programs. It takes individual who are willing to host and organize The Premiere Evening. It takes the many volunteers to mail information, work in the gift shop, assist with educational programming, and all the tasks that are necessary for successful exhibitions. The community can be proud for having the number one state attraction in 1996
They made it possible.





Water color for Grant Wood exhibition and hyperlink to Davenport Museum of Art project
















Jeannie Stopulos  volunteered to design this watercolor for exhibition promotion material and t-shirts..

As Director of Development and Public Relations, the goal was to develop sponsorships to cover the cost of the exhibition and events. This would enable to Museum to have 100% revenue from admissions, tickets, etc. This goal was achieved.

Press releases and feature stories were in national and regional papers. Locally, a 13 week campaign contest was held. Each week a feature story (1/4 page) in the Sunday edition of Quad City Times was done on one of the paintings. People could fill out a coupon to guess the answer and a winner was drawn. This enabled the area residences to become aware of the exhibition and gain knowledge about the paintings.

In addition, all small town papers within a one hour driving range were contacted personally. They received the press kit. This resulted in stories in the unique papers  that provided news for area small towns.

One out of three visitors were from outside the immediate area. The national, regional, and local campaigns provided visitors locally and outside the region.

Carol Ehlers    4409 Lorton Avenue    Davenport, IA 52807    (563) 355-1308    carolehlers@revealed.net
Click here for detailed resume for Carol Ehlers

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